無能無脳の蝦夷総理 菅はとっとと腹を切れ
https://www.livescience.com/astrocytes-coronavirus-infection.html "To assess the 81 patients with mild infections, 〜 They found that certain regions of the cerebral cortex
- the wrinkled surface of the brain responsible for complex processes like memory and perception -
showed significant differences in thickness between the two groups."
"The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 can infiltrate star-shaped cells in the brain,
setting off a chain reaction that may disable and even kill nearby neurons, according to a new study. "
https://www.healthimaging.com/topics/diagnostic-screening/35-recovered-covid-19-permanent-lung-damage †半年経った患者の 肺の62%に異常が見られ、35% に回復不能の線維化と見られる症状がみられた。
"Out of 114 individuals, 62% had lingering CT abnormalities half a year later. This included 35% with fibrotic-like features,
such as parenchymal bands and honeycombing patterns, among other potentially irreversible damage."