New: Leader of Oath Keepers paramilitary group, who helped plan Jan 6 insurrection, tells court she was responding to call from Trump.
“As the inauguration grew nearer, [Jessica] Watkins indicated that she was awaiting direction from President Trump,” write prosecutors.
New:1月6日の暴動の計画を支援したOath Keepers準軍事組織のリーダーは、トランプからの電話に応じていたと裁判所に語った。
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)
New: Leader of Oath Keepers paramilitary group, who helped plan Jan 6 insurrection, tells court she was responding to call from Trump.
“As the inauguration grew nearer, [Jessica] Watkins indicated that she was awaiting direction from President Trump,” write prosecutors.
New:1月6日の暴動の計画を支援したOath Keepers準軍事組織のリーダーは、トランプからの電話に応じていたと裁判所に語った。
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)