HEAD CASES Teens warned over TikTok ‘Skullbreaker’ craze that could cause horror head injuries or even KILL
By Natalia Penza
6th February 2020, 4:42 pm
Updated: 6th February 2020, 5:06 pm
POLICE chiefs have blasted a viral game sweeping across social media amid fears it could kill children who play it.
Warnings about the craze, dubbed Rompcráneos in Spanish which means ‘Skullbreaker’ in English, have reached Europe after school kids in South America filmed themselves in action.
The game, which is said to have gone viral after being shared on app TikTok, involves two kids knocking a third off balance while they jump in the air.
Footage taken at a school in Venezuela showed one boy crashing to the ground after the two either side of him kick his feet away from as they leap off the ground.
HEAD CASES Teens warned over TikTok ‘Skullbreaker’ craze that could cause horror head injuries or even KILL
By Natalia Penza
6th February 2020, 4:42 pm
Updated: 6th February 2020, 5:06 pm
POLICE chiefs have blasted a viral game sweeping across social media amid fears it could kill children who play it.
Warnings about the craze, dubbed Rompcráneos in Spanish which means ‘Skullbreaker’ in English, have reached Europe after school kids in South America filmed themselves in action.
The game, which is said to have gone viral after being shared on app TikTok, involves two kids knocking a third off balance while they jump in the air.
Footage taken at a school in Venezuela showed one boy crashing to the ground after the two either side of him kick his feet away from as they leap off the ground.