French school accused of blackwashing students skin DARKER promo photo
By Jessica Finn For 18:02 BST 12 Sep 2018, updated 16:35 BST 13 Sep 2018
A French art school is under fire for a photo of their students that was used as an advertisement for their upcoming US institution in which some students were darkened to look black.
The bizarre before and after-alteration shots show some students with vastly darker skin, presumably in an effort to make the student body at the Emile-Cohl drawing school in Lyon appear more diverse.
The school, however, is shirking the responsibility for the altered image- placing the blame on the advertising company they hired for the Los Angeles promotion of its upcoming new branch there.
A spokesman for the art school denied 'any intention to manipulate reality,' according to .
Before: The Emile-Cohl school photo to be used for US advertising for a Los Angeles school
Before: The Emile-Cohl school photo to be used for US advertising for a Los Angeles school
After: The photo was photo-shopped, making some students appear significantly darker
After: The photo was photo-shopped, making some students appear significantly darker
One Twitter user called out the school for what they say was 'blackwashing' to appear diverse
One Twitter user called out the school for what they say was 'blackwashing' to appear diverse
The school apologized to the students for the altered images that were intended to promote what the Emile-Cohl hopes will be a new branch in Los Angeles.
Part of the target of the school's US promotion was in hope to bid for funding for the school from animation studios in the US.
Some people accused the school of 'blackwashing' or making someone who is not black appear as if they are in an attempt at maintaining the appearance of diversity.
The school denied allegations of blackwashing.
The school spokesman also said the 'course' touch-ups that were made by the communications agency that was hired to produce the promotional website for the Los Angeles school has been fired.
Access to the website has been suspended. The school maintains they hope to open the new branch in the next two years.
The publicity agency did not offered any explanation as to why the photo was changed.