0001ばーど ★
2017/05/08(月) 11:13:31.01ID:CAP_USER9・ロンドンに住む32歳の男性は、ANAを利用して東京からシドニーへ(約9時間)。
・英国人男性乗客 はセリアック病を患うためグルテンを含む製品を食べることはできないとのこと。
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4465508/Passenger-furious-Japanese-airline-gives-banana.html#ixzz4gOiyu7ad
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A passenger who ordered a gluten-free meal on a nine-hour flight was left stunned when he was given one banana for breakfast.
Martin Pavelka, of east London, has coeliac disease which means he cannot eat products containing gluten without becoming violently ill.
The 32-year-old said he 'could not believe his eyes' when he received the fruit ? which had a 'gluten-free' sticker on it - on
his All Nippon Airways flight from Tokyo to Sydney while other passengers were eating a full English breakfast.
Mr Pavelka, an auditor, was midway through a £1,200 flight to Australia and said he always orders gluten-free meals on flights and had never had a problem before.
前スレ(★1のたった日時:2017/05/07(日) 16:20:17.53)