Bulgarien warnt vor neuer Flüchtlingswelle
http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/fluechtlingskrise/f-a-z-exklusiv-bulgarien-warnt-vor-neuer-fluechtlingswelle-14405869.html Der bulgarische Ministerpräsident kritisiert den türkischen Präsidenten Erdogan scharf.
Der türkische Staatspräsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan habe schon im vergangenen Jahr damit gedroht, er könne Europa mit Migranten
„überfluten“, sagte Borissow in einem Gespräch mit der FAZ und fügte hinzu: „Ich habe Angst vor dem, was in der Türkei geschieht.
“ Derzeit sei es unter einigen Politikern „sehr in Mode“, sich als „mutige Helden“ zu präsentieren, die „mit Panzern und
Flugzeugen in Kriege ziehen“, sagte Borissow.
ツァイトゥングのインタビューで語った。「私はトルコで起こっていることに恐れている」 最近の政治家たちは自分たちを「勇敢なヒーロー」
Syria Condemns Massacres Committed by Turkish Regime during Its Invasion of Syrian Territories
http://syriatimes.sy/index.php/news/local/25988-syria-condemns-massacres-committed-by-turkish-regime-during-its-invasion-of-syrian-territories Not a single Bullet Fired against "Daesh"
It pointed out that in its alleged anti-Deash military operation in Syria, the Turkish forces didn't fire a single bullet on Daesh terrorists,
rather Deash joined the Turkish army and its terrorist allies and helped the army enter Jarablus, thereby providing a clear proof about Erdogan's
regime's cooperation with Daesh and other terrorist groups.
It noted that the Turkish regime's talk about Deash expulsion from Jarablus was actually a process to replace Deash with Turkish-backed terrorist groups.
The ministry stressed that "the French, US, British, Saudi and Qatari continuous support for the Turkish regime is but a blatant support for terrorism
not only in Syria but in all countries of the world. It is also a clear-cut evidence that these countries are colluding with the Turkish regime in killing
innocent people in Aleppo, Damascus, Jarablus, Lyon, Brussels and Berlin," the ministry stressed.