Federal judge issues injunction to halt Arkansas executions By Ray Sanchez and Ralph Ellis, CNN Updated 1417 GMT (2217 HKT) April 15, 2017 (CNN)
A federal judge in Arkansas issued an injunction Saturday halting the execution by lethal injection of nine inmates. The injunction represents the latest legal setback in the state of Arkansas' attempt to execute the inmates
-- eight of whom were originally scheduled to be put to death by the end of April. A court must now decide whether the method of execution constitutes cruel and unusual punishment.
Another judge in Arkansas effectively stopped the executions Friday night, citing concerns over the lethal injection method. Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge said she plans to appeal the latest decision.
Late Friday, Pulaski County Circuit Judge Wendell Griffen issued a temporary restraining order stopping the state from using a certain drug for lethal injections.
The supplier of the drug argued the medication wasn't supposed to be used for capital punishment. Arkansas planned to execute eight men between April 17 and 27 before its supply of lethal injection drugs expires at the end of the month.
The proposal triggered outrage among capital punishment opponents. Judges have already blocked two executions, though not because of the lethal injection issue. One of the executions had been scheduled for Monday.
Ray SanchezとRalph Ellis CNN 1477 GMT(2217 HKT)2017年4月15日(CNN)
金曜日の夜にプラスキ郡巡回裁判官Wendell Griffenは、州が薬殺刑のために特定の薬物を使用することを停止する一時的な拘束命令を発した。薬物の供給者は、投薬は死刑に使用されるべきではないと主張した。
米アーカンソー州、11日間で8人の死刑執行へ 薬剤の使用期限迫る